Mine Resource
Between 1967 and 2002, a total of 208,860 carats were recovered from the Loxton Dal Diamond Mine at an average of 25.1 cpht.
Approximately 6% of the diamond resource (43,000 carats) is contained in the surface tailings dump at an in situ grade of 8.2 cpht, where approximately 94% (677,000 carats) of the resource is underground in situ virgin ore, and classified as inferred at an average grade of 24.5 cpht.
Tailings recovered from Loxton Dal in 2011-2012
An increase of resources and reserves by 30% was confirmed through an exploration programme which was completed in 2013. Five boreholes of an average depth of 400m were drilled for further confirmation on resources and grades, confidently secure at least additional 900,000 carats underground diamond reserves at 485m level (on estimate of 22 cpht). The cores collected from the programme were sent for detailed examination and assessment in 2017 to accurately determine the size of ore body and depth of weathering. A geologist report was produced in 2018 which indicated an increase of resources and reserves by 30%.
Historic exploration on two tailings bulk samples were directed by SRK and reported by Bartmec in 2002. The figure below illustrates the locations of these samples.
The 'New Dump' at Loxton Dal represents a lower grade zone of tailings (4.8 cpht). Historical reprocessing of the tailings dump from underground development typifies the 'New Dump'. The 'Old Dump' is believed to represent a higher grade tailings dump (10.1 cpht) and is comparable to recovered grades from historical reprocessing exercises during production. The delineation between the two adjoining dumps has been roughly estimated by the surveyor and the volumes of these two dumps calculated.